Daniella Saunders

Perspectives on the Mind-Body Connection


I'm Daniella - a holistic health consultant, coach, therapist, philosopher, and a specialist in the mind-body connection.

I help heart-centred people, wisdom seekers, and wellbeing practitioners to harness the power of the mind-body connection.  So that they can continue to thrive and make a positive impact in the world, without compromising their own health and vitality.

My services are divided into four main areas, each exploring mind-body health from a different perspective.  
I invite you to read on to find out more...  


Mastering the mind-body connection:
Overcome chronic stress, fatigue, or illness, and optimise your own wellbeing

Chronic exhaustive conditions are common problems in people who provide wellbeing support for others.  Your mind and body are not separate things. So, when you are experiencing long-term stress or emotional overwhelm, there is a chain if events which occurs throughout your body as a direct result.

Chronic stress creates a range of symptoms which occur on several levels, including...  

Physical - inflammation, changes in immune function, muscular pain, dizziness, headaches, fatigue
Emotional -  anxiety, constant worry, difficulty thinking, overwhelm, depression
Behavioural - changes in sleep patterns, smoking, stress eating, isolation, avoidance, irritability  

When chronic health conditions occur, they create additional mental, emotional, social, and financial challenges, which exacerbate the stress-illness cycle even more.  

As an accredited practitioner in chronic exhaustive conditions, and with over thirty years experience supporting people with chronic illness, I can help you to change this cycle, and improve your wellbeing. I do this through specialist coaching, lifestyle interventions, and the use of therapies for pain and symptom management.  

Click here to read about mind-body health...


Practices for optimum mind-body health:
Integrate mindfulness, bodywork, and energy healing into your life.

Holistic therapies are practices which help you to release stress-related effects from your mind, body, and energy.

Therapies help with providing relief from stress-related symptoms. Some common issues that holistic therapies can help with include...

Pain relief - fibromyalgia, chronic pain, tension headaches, back or neck pain, muscular injury
Stress reduction - anxiety, emotional overwhelm, inability to relax, overthinking, worry
Symptom management - inflammation, chronic fatigue, digestive problems, sleep disorders

Integrating mindfulness and holistic therapies into your life as part of your regular self-care routine can help significantly with your long-term wellbeing.  Not only can these practices reduce stress, pain, fatigue, and other symptoms, but you will also become more self-empowered and able to gain more control over your own wellbeing.

As part of my journey as a holistic therapist, I have completed a foundation degree in complementary therapies, in addition to professional qualifications in a range of modalities. Plus a masters degree exploring the fundamental nature of mind, body, and its relationship to health.

I find that combining therapies for mind, body, and energy, has the best results. So, I usually combine all my therapies to create a custom programme for each person that I work with. I provide a limited number of in-person appointments in Cornwall, and also help people to integrate therapies into their life within my online coaching sessions.

Click here to read more about holistic therapies....


Contemplating mind, body, and consciousness:
Develop embodied wisdom, personal growth, and spiritual awakening

Wisdom is the evolving process of being to see life as it actually is, to navigate situations with ease, and to  possess the ability to act in the highest interests of both yourself and others. It is based on a deep existential connection with life, and of being aligned with meaning and purposeful activities.

This is the aspect of mind which can leave people feeling that they can achieve more, and seeking meaning. Some common issues include...

Personal development - low self-esteem, unhealthy habits, feeling unfulfilled, restless mind, toxic relationships
Spirituality - loss of faith, isolation, fear of illness or death, spiritual confusion, lack of connection or purpose
Philosophical - limited mind & consciousness, lack of meaning, despair, frustration with life, seeking answers

Mindset, spirituality, and wisdom are important components of optimising your wellbeing. The more that you understand life, the easier you will find it to navigate difficult circumstances, and the less stress you will experience. So, the more you can thrive and reach your highest potential.

With two degrees in philosophy, and focusing on metaphysics of health-related topics, I have studied the mind-body connection extensively, especially the relationship between mind, spirituality and health.

For my coaching in this area, I feel that I am  most aligned with people who are looking to understand the mind from a deeper, existential viewpoint, rather than from a theoretical or medicalised one. This can either be from a personal development perspective, from a spiritual view which aligns with the wisdom traditions,  or simply a desire to understand the nature of mind and consciousness.

Click here to read about mind, spirituality, consciousness, and questions about life...


Providing professional support for mind-body health:
Align with your life purpose, and grow your signature wellbeing practice

I usually work with people who are spiritually-aligned, highly empathic, and on a committed path of personal growth themselves. They usually naturally steer towards a caring role in some form or another.  Some work within paid employment, some provide voluntary services or unpaid care, and others provide their own wellbeing services within their own wellbeing practice.

So, I also provide mentorship programmes and support services for a range of health practitioners including: nurses, social care providers, holistic therapists, and spiritual healers.  Here are the things that I usually help with...

Life purpose - authentic work, meaning in life, aligning with your values, taking action steps, overcoming fear
Health support for healers - changing core beliefs, moving beyond co-dependency, developing health boundaries, challenging ideas on health
Mentorship programmes - essential business skills, setting up and growing your practice, reaching your ideal clients, finding your life purpose

It's important to have a work structure which fits in with your own values, priorities, lifestyle, and which is sustainable in the long-term so that you do not get burnt out, or become unable to continue providing your valuable health and wellbeing services.

Having worked in a range of health settings during the last three decades, I have plenty of insight into the challenges which often go hand in hand with being a health practitioner - both from the perspectives of working within a big organisation, and for the self-employed.

Click here to find out more about growing your wellbeing practice...

Daniella Saunders - Specialist in Mind-Body Health
MA (Phil), BA (Hons), RGN

Hi - I'm Daniella.  I'm a holistic health consultant, coach, therapist, philosopher, and a specialist in the mind-body connection.

For over thirty years, I've been working in a variety of healthcare settings, and I through this period, I began to realise that healing practitioners often need at least as much care and support as the people that they are providing help for. Yet this support is often lacking, leaving many practitioners experiencing stress, fatigue, or burnout, with some even leaving their profession.

Since my own journey has given me insights into lots of different healthcare settings, and because of my educational background, I am able to provide a range of services which can help.  These fall into three main areas: Overcoming stress-related health issues, integrating wisdom and wellbeing, and aligning with work practices which are health-affirming for you.

I can best help people who have a holistic approach to health and wellbeing, who have a soul-centred approach to their life and work, and individuals who are on a path of personal or spiritual growth themselves.

If you are interested, you can find out more about my background, experience, qualifications, and why I do this work here...

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