Frequently asked questions and answers

My overarching theme is to provide support for holistic, spiritual, and wellbeing practitioners - so that they can thrive in their health, life, and business.

I do this by providing 3 main types of service. Each one has it's own independent health hub within my website, so that you can focus on that particular aspect of your practice, without getting distracted by topics which are not as relevant to you.
These 3 areas are:

1 -Wisdom & Wellbeing:
Helping wellbeing service providers to move beyond stress, fatigue, sensitivity, or illness - using a process of specialist mind-body therapies and coaching, for healing through self-realization.

2 - Signature Services:
Heart-centred and ethical business support and mentorship for solopreneurs who want to start or grow their practice - so that you can help more people, and make a living doing work you love.

3 - Content Creation:
Practitioner tools and resources - for outsourcing your content requirements, creating a more effective website and niche services, plus saving time and energy for working directly with clients.

I recommend joining one of my subscription-based 1-1 programmes because these offer regular monthly support for as long as you need it. This method has much more potential for providing you with just the right amount of support, rather than booking individual sessions
or a set amount of time. We can continue for as long as you need help.

My subscription programmes all have a minimum commitment of 3 months, after which you can cancel anytime, directly through your own account. Your subscription and payments will stop at the end of your current billing cycle.

Please note that by joining these programmes, you are not committing to an indefinite programme - we will work towards a time limit which feels right for you from the outset. My aim is to help you through a process, and then move on with your life, not to keep you tied to a coaching programme forever. I also appreciate that not everyone likes the idea of a subscription programme, so I do offer alternative options, just in case this feels better for you.

However, a subscription will provide you with regular individualised guidance, the opportunity for taking action, and then coming back to get support with any obstacles you have encountered (and these usually do come up!). So, it's generally a much more comprehensive and useful method of 1-1 support.

You can book a free 15 minute Clarity Call with me here. This is an introductory video call where I can answer any quick questions that you may have about coaching, therapies, or mentorship, and we can see whether we would be a good fit for working together.

I'd love to hear your questions, so if there is anything you would like to know, then please send me a quick email and I'll pop the answers down here.

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